What to Expect When You’re Considering Fertility Care Singapore

Trying to conceive and being unable to do it can frustrate any woman and couple. A baby is something special that you and your partner create as a symbol of your relationship with one another. Every day there are couples trying to get pregnant and failing to make their dream come true, which is why so many choose fertility care. With fertility care Singapore, we will do our part to fill your belly and your arms with the little bundle that you have always wanted in your life.

If you’re considering fertility care, you may want to know what to expect. On your first visit, come prepared for a full workup. Your doctor will do all that they can to discover where your fertility issues are and what is causing them. A full workup will include a physical, blood testing, and a sperm count for your partner.

When the test results come back, your doctor will bring you back to discuss what they have found out about your situation and viable treatment options that you may have. Most women discover that after the initial visit, their fertility issues have a simple fix. Some treatment options may include hormone therapy to boost egg and sperm counts or laparoscopic surgery to repair damage. Only one option is IVF, which allows creating a baby to be done using science.

If it is determined that you need laparoscopic surgery, we do it on an outpatient basis, meaning you will arrive in the morning and leave that afternoon. The laparoscopic procedure itself may take only a couple of hours. Laparoscopic or keyhole surgeries can repair several infertility issues, including those caused by defects in the fallopian tubes, fibroids, endometriosis, and more. Pain after surgery should be gone within a few days, with complete healing after a few weeks, depending on what is done.

With fertility care Singapore, you can take back your ability to have a child. At our clinic and with our help, you can even have a tubal ligation reversed if your situation has changed and you wish to have more kids now. Getting started with our specialists is easy. Once you call us, we will schedule your appointment so that you can get in and get started as soon as possible. Our specialists look forward to seeing you soon, and helping you have a baby.

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